Monthly Archives: April 2011

As kids, we often feel unloved and bullied by our parents whenever they don’t allow us to go here or do that or whenever they exert power by reprimanding, rather, reminding us that they are right and we are wrong. 

When I was younger, I almost always took offense at what my dad or mom or both of them, would say or decide on whenever I said, did or asked permission for something, anything. Sometimes, even the littlest of things I do or say have a corresponding “sermon” awaiting. I always left their sight with a heavy heart, after hearing what they have to say.

14 years later, I begin to understand why. What they said was true. “We’re doing this because this is what’s best for you,” “Don’t do that because..” “Always..,” however they phrased it, they only meant one thing, even if it means hurting me for a brief moment or giving me heavy boots: We love you and we’re only looking out for you.

Those who love us may hurt us to keep us secure, safe, and on the right path. Whenever I said a bad word, I’d get grounded for it. It hurt me, not being able to go out and play with friends but now I understand that it was for my own good. My parents had to teach me that saying bad words is not good. Even if I had to learn it the hard way, they made sure I did. 

That’s what the people who care for us do. Sometimes, we feel like a family member, a loved one, a friend is betraying us, hurting us, when they are actually just looking out for us. As I grew older, I realized I began doing the same thing. I didn’t like it as a kid, I especially don’t like doing it but (and I quote) “sometimes, the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.”

When I got home today, I found my cousins waiting. My tito and tita dropped them off for a sleepover (which I did not know of) because no one could watch my cousins at home when they go to work. It was going to be just another ordinary holiday for all of us (translation: pigging out in front of the tv the whole day) but then, a thought came to mind. Or, um, err.. More like a boredom killer for me. Hahaha.

I told my cousins I want to put make-up on them and they both gladly agreed! Wahahaaha. *evil cousin with no make-up expertise* We began the session with a before photoshoot.

For my fairer skinned cousin, I used the usual colors I put on my face: pink and red. I applied some BB cream for the base and made her blush with Maybelline’s Apricot Sweetie blush powder. It was too plain for a kid like her so I thought I should apply some color to her eyes (the problem is, it’s been nearly three years since I last put some eye make-up. I like to keep things simple.) I used sparkly silver eyeshadow to cover the base of her eyelids and added a touch of sparkly hot pink, winged style. 

For my more morena-ish cousin, I was clueless. Well, not really. I thank God for my sister. I used her as the inspiration for my other cousin’s make up. Since she was a tad bit darker, I couldn’t use my cream as her base. It would make her face float. Instead, I used some mineral loose powder I found lying on my sister’s table and applied some bronzer on her cheeks to define them. I finished her cheeks with a touch of pink to add some more drama (and color, since they still don’t understand the difference between using bronzers and blushers — achi didn’t want cousin to feel that she didn’t put make-up on her.) For her eyes, I used a shade of light brown to cover the base and a darker shade of gray to highlight the lower part of her lids. I finished off cousin’s look with a winged-style eye lining. :p

Tita from Jakarta helped by styling the kids’ hair and applying some mascara to cousin #1 and fixing cousin #2’s lips and eye wings. She was also our photographer and food financer after the shoot. Thanks, Tita!

Here are our finished products. Too bad we didn’t have a charged camera at the moment so you couldn’t really tell the difference in the pictures. (Tita used my iTouch to take the photos.)

And there you have the product of the eldest cousin’s boredom. Next photo, a pictorial of the make-up artist with her models (aka teaching achi to be FFFF-IERCE! Not.)

’til the next boredom, uh, make-up session, kids!

As much as I love planning events, I think it’s about time I stop. I don’t deal well with frustrations and failures and I honestly believe I don’t need the extra baggage. The tikka masala we prepared was successful, though there is room for improvement. A little more sauce (since the sauce was tasty), cutting the chicken into smaller pieces before cooking it (haha, the most obvious thing we could’ve done but didn’t) and other little things. Overall, I’d like to think it was a successful experiment. But as I mentioned earlier, I don’t do well with frustrations and failures. I should’ve thought about cutting the chicken beforehand since I was the one who prepared it but I guess it slipped my mind. The dish would’ve looked better if we didn’t have to cut the finished product into pieces. I’ll probably better you, tikka masala, when I have my own free time.

Anyway, that was just an example of yet another slightly failed venture. It’s not that it didn’t turn out good, cause it did. It was more of, how could it not be close to perfect when I had everything prepared from the beginning? *sigh* I’m not a perfectionist but I guess my planning skills aren’t really, well..

I think I need a break from planning stuff. It makes me sad. No more adventures for me for the meantime. Mercato, you will have to wait.

Life is fleeting. Sometimes, in the midst of “life” going on, we tend to forget that everything can end in just a snap. Earlier this morning, I woke up to the news of a young actor dying. I haven’t had the chance to wash my face or even sip from my cup of coffee and here it was, the news of soemeone’s death. I’m not a fan of the young actor but you don’t just hear the news of someone that young, passing. After ASAP’s message about the actor’s passing, they showed a picture of the actor with his birthdate. He just turned 18 this year.

With everything that’s been happening in our lives, we tend to forget to just.. Pause.
We tend to forget to take on chances and opportunities because of fears.
We tend to live life as mediocre as possible, believing that we can still do better some other time, like tomorrow.

Life can be over for us in just one second. So stop. Take a deep breathe and look around you. Take time to appreciate everything you’ve been blessed with in life. As cliche as it may sound, don’t hesitate to tell the people you love how much you love them. You’ll never know if it’s the last time you’ll be able to tell them that. Be a better you now. You’ll never know if you’ll get another chance to improve yourself tomorrow.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.”


Since we had a blast talking about this and that, reminiscing about our funky past, I think it's proper that I post this first here, on Multiply.

Even when you don't think or feel it, I am very much thankful.
I am grateful.

Even when it seems like I don't, I do love you very much.

I AM the reason of all YOUR WHYs and I want you to know that YOU, too, ARE the reason of all MY WHYs.

Whoever drew this picture definitely knew you.

Thank you for staying by my side, preparing my meds and watching me as I slept when I got sick. Oh, how can I forget the avocado shake you prepared. THANK YOU.

Thank you for staying just a little bit more every night until I fall asleep. You always make sure I don't get nightmares. THANK YOU.

Thank you for keeping me awake, texting and talking to me whenever I have to pick my mom up from work. Even if it's already 1 o'clock in the morning. THANK YOU.

Thank you for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and for The History of Love. In their original cover? Perfection. THANK YOU.

Thank you for not flirting around with other girls anymore. I never thought I'd see the day. THANK YOU.

Thank you for being you. My best friend. My partner. For life.  I love you.

I love you. Much more than I can sometimes express but I really, really, do.

I just want to thank you for everything — for waiting until I fall asleep, for kissing me on the forehead and hugging me before you leave, for driving around for us, for putting up with my brother's crazy antics and mother's "strangeness", for knowing what food I want, bringing me medicine, massaging my back and hands. For not going behind my back.. Many more. For always being there. For not having another "Coleen", especially when we fight.

I love you very, very much. Since we were in freshman year.

I don't want to be in an open marriage. Or relationship. [I'm watching House.]