Category Archives: relationships

This was supposed to be posted on your 24th birthday, but a lot of things kept me from doing so. It may be months later but my feelings and thoughts haven’t changed. We’ve been friends since 2006 and though we’ve been at each other’s necks, I am still very thankful for having met you. Whether or not we ended up together, I know in my heart that we would still be a part of each other’s lives. We’ve seen each other grow, we’ve seen each other cry. We’ve listened to each other rant about the love of our lives (at least that’s what we thought about them back then), and we’ve ignored each other’s SMS and calls. We drove each other home on drunken nights, we saved each other from crazy maniacs we met in bars, and we’ve helped each other make lemonade out of all the lemons life has thrown at us.

At the end of the day, we still found ourselves back in each other’s lives (I won’t say arms because we were both still taken at that time). We are together now, but if life has other plans for us, I know that we will still find time for each other because we are best friends, we are soulmates.

We’ve proven time and time again that no matter what happens to us, relationship or not, we are still each other’s special person. And for that, I am very much thankful. People rarely meet the love of their lives, or their soulmates, but we were blessed to have found each other. No matter where this journey takes us, I will always love you and all of you — the past, present and future you. I will always thank God for giving me this much time with you.

To the boy who made a difference in my life, happy happy happy 24th birthday. I really thank God for your life. May He bless you and us with more years.

Much love, Gus. 🙂

Us birthday

Nowadays, everyone is in a rush, and I mean rush, to find someone to cuddle with, be with, and hold hands with. Where are the days when boys and girls took time to get to know each other deeply before saying ‘I love you’ to each other? No, make that, before they get into a relationship? Today, a meeting, a simple text message, sometimes even a hello, is enough to start a relationship, to make one utter those three words. Gone are the days when it took men and women months, years, to get to know each other. Now, people start and end relationships as quickly as they change their clothes. And we all know most of them don’t end up the way they expected to.

So I thought about the Top 5 reasons why you shouldn’t be so eager to get into a relationship, or a new one.

5. Your ex has a new boy/girl.

Just because your former flame has moved on, doesn’t mean you should get it on with someone new too. You have to deal with your break-up first, try to take some time to fully grasp and understand what went wrong with the first one, before jumping into a new one. Do you really want to start something new without understanding why the last one didn’t work out? Let me rephrase that. Do you really want to jump unprepared, into the unknown, with the possibility of getting your heart broken AGAIN? I didn’t think so.

4. You haven’t moved on. 

I know most people can attest to the fact that the only way one can really move on is if he/she found someone new. The hopeless romantic in me would like to believe this, that someone new, a prince charming, could save my broken heart. But the truth is, only YOU can save your broken heart. No matter how many guys and girls you try to hook up with, fall in love with, and be with, unless your heart has really moved on — forgiven, forgotten, understood, you will never be able to enjoy and give your best to that someone new. So save yourself and this innocent person some heartache. Move on before falling, again.

3. You have responsibilities/other priorities.

If you cannot prioritize your relationship, don’t get into one. Don’t be a selfish bastard/bitch. We get into a relationship because we love each other. And loving each other means being each other’s priority. Some people have all the time in the world for each other, but it doesn’t mean they prioritize each other. Others don’t see each other often, but they are each other’s priorities. The worst is, not having time for each other and not being each other’s priority. So before you throw yourself into another relationship, think about it. Can you prioritize this person? Or is he/she just another time/loneliness/boredom killer?

2. You have mommy/daddy issues.

Never use another person as a daddy/mommy substitute. If you have unresolved issues with your parents, don’t take it out on another person. A boyfriend or girlfriend will NEVER fill in that empty space your dad or mom left. If you think a boyfriend or girlfriend will make that sadness mommy or daddy caused go away, think again.

1. You feel alone, unhappy, incomplete.

“Fall in love when you are READY, not when you are LONELY.” So what if all your friends are getting engaged, getting married, etc. You shouldn’t find love just because everyone around you has found theirs. Love isn’t just about taking the loneliness and unhappiness away, and it isn’t about completing you too. Whether or not you are with someone, loneliness can creep in. Unhappiness can set in. No human being can ever complete you. Don’t depend your happiness on another person. It never works. You know it.

So if you’re a lonely, problematic, busy bee, don’t get into a relationship. Don’t ruin someone else’s life just because you’re unhappy with yours. Get into a relationship if you are mature enough to handle it and prioritize it, not because you feel sad and alone.

I. The question.

What does it mean if someone chooses you, even though he is heartbroken in doing so?

The first thing that comes to mind is love. Love is the only real thing that’s powerful enough to make people do things they don’t want to do. We’ve seen people do bad things for the people they love. We’ve seen people make sacrifices for the people they love. We have done some things for the people we love. It is the only thing that can make someone choose others over himself.

But it’s not as bittersweet, as romantic, or as heartwarming as you may think. Guilt can also make people do things they don’t want to — the only other emotion that’s almost as powerful as love. Almost.

Guilt is an emotion so strong, so powerful that sometimes it’s easy to compare it with love. It consumes us, taunts us, scares us into doing things we think only love can make us do. It blinds us into thinking and doing things we’d normally do out of love alone. It is another thing that’s powerful enough to make us do things we don’t want to do. Just like faith, having guilt in your system, even if it is as small as a mustard seed, can make us do things beyond our understanding. If having faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, guilt as small as a mustard seed can sweep away even the biggest of mountains. The only difference is love is real, whereas guilt is an illusion.

Do not doubt love. Love will always be the stronger between the two because only love can dispel guilt. Guilt, or any other emotion, can never destroy or change love. 

II. Living with the choice.

Whatever reason/s he may have for choosing you, it is something that you have to live with. You will have to wake up everyday thinking that there might be someone out there more deserving of him, more suitable for him, more compatible with him, better and right for him. It is a burden you will carry, you will have to carry for the rest of your life. It will be a never-ending cycle of knowing and living with the thought that he shouldn’t have chosen you.

But only if you let it be.

He made the call. He decided. He knew what he was getting into. You can tell him to go away, to choose the other, to go back, to not choose you, but in the end, it was, is and will always be his decision. Choosing you might have broken his heart for reasons you may never find out, but it doesn’t mean that you have to make things worse for him. Yes, we can never mend a broken heart and make it new again, but we can stitch it back together and make it feel better. The worse thing you can do is to make him feel that he made a bad decision by making it into a burden and carrying it forever. He’s heartbroken. Don’t add fuel to the fire by showing him that you too, are heartbroken because of his decision.

Put the pieces of his heart back together, and appreciate him. Make him feel that he did make the right decision, and that things will definitely be better. He chose you. Make his choice a worthy choice.

III. Would and why.

People do things because of varying reasons, because of varying times. They have different needs, different understandings, and different patterns of thinking, which change over time. I don’t know if I would ever be caught in a situation like this, but I do know that when I do, it will only be because of one of two things: love or guilt.

It’s been a while since I last posted an entry. So much has happened in the past couple of weeks, I barely had enough time to update my blogs, but I guess all the work didn’t stop my brain from thinking too much. In between working, and learning, my mind has made it a habit to think about other things, mostly things that are supposed to be buried in the past. It’s a war in there. One belief, one principle, trying to defeat another. Even I confused myself with which to believe in.

We all believe in different things. We have different belief systems, principles, most of which stem from our own experiences. My belief system was challenged the past five, six weeks. A speck of doubt could ruin even the strongest of beliefs. Wow, I sound serious. But I’m not, really. I just need to let all these things come out.

I wasn’t one who believed in the idea of loving someone for how they physically look. Ever since I found out what the word “crush” meant, in the prepubescent language, I’ve never found myself deeply attracted or attached to someone with a “face.” I’ve always been attracted to someone’s handwriting, communication skills, sob story (yes, pathetic, I know -_-), personality, and ancestry (this is where my love for everything Chinese kicks in). But rarely do I really, “fall in love” with someone handsome, cute, or hot. I don’t think I’ve ever, actually.

What I did believe in was becoming friends with your ex. How can you two “not” be friends, when that’s how your relationship began in the first place? Unless you were both drunk, and unaware of your actions. Kidding aside, I found no harm in becoming friends with an ex. I was a never a fan of letting friends go. As awkward as it may sound, getting to know an ex’s current, wasn’t a big deal for me too. Why can’t we all just be friends, right?

But that’s where the line blurs, at least for me. I have no problem chit-chatting with a boyfriend’s ex, and I for one stand by the saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but I can’t seem to understand these two things when it comes to a certain “past.”

It’s with this particular person that I can’t apply these two things I’ve believed in long ago. When it comes to them, Person A + partner, I just find it very difficult to believe that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Yes, for a person with low self-esteem, I couldn’t believe how they came to be. I am definitely prettier, I used to say. How could she get him? Belief #1, CRUSHED BY ME. The fact that I couldn’t understand/accept how they came to be automatically crushes Belief #2. I would never, ever talk to her. Even if it meant something to Person A.

I still cannot understand how he liked her. She’s probably smarter, okay. But smart doesn’t nurture a relationship, especially with his level of emotional needs. And I simply cannot imagine myself chit-chatting with her, even if she were the last person on earth. See the blurring of the lines?

If it were any other person, there would be no question as to where I stand. I never was prettier than of my boyfriends’ (past and present) exes, which is why I strongly believe in that saying, and I definitely did not find any harm in meeting/chatting with their new ones. I actually enjoy meeting them and getting to know them (I’m still a romantic deep down, and love stories will always fascinate me). But it is with this person that I am left hanging somewhere in between.


That’s why. Even if I was prettier, smarter, more affectionate than her, it will never change the fact that he sees her differently.. And I did NOT approve of how/what he sees in her. I just don’t think she’s showing the “real” her, and him believing her over what I noticed was just an ego-crusher.

No matter how I look at it, how many different examples or scenarios I use, it simply was an issue of ego. I will never come to terms with being replaced by such a girl — a girl I do not find fit for a boy like him, nor will I ever consider, imagine, or even dream of getting to know her. Not today, not in a million years.

I guess this is what others call “the double standard”. My legit exes will always have a place in my heart, and I will always want the best for them. She just wasn’t.

Finally got that out of my head. Whew.

  Girls, you are your Daddy’s Little Princess. If a boy you like can’t see that, or if a boy you like can’t treat you like one, let him go. He is not worth it. Your father loves you like one, treats you like one, and protects you like one. It’s just proper that the boy you’re going to give your heart to, will do just the same. And even more.           

“I just need to know that it’s possible for two people to stay happy, together, forever.”

No relationship is perfect. No matter how perfect you may seem to be for each other, don’t, never, expect your relationship to be perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.

I was blessed enough to have my best friend as my boyfriend. As friends, we were perfect for each other. The perfect fit. Inseparable, compatible, perfect for each other. We understand each other in ways others may not understand us. We connect with an invisible, unbreakable thread. For two individuals not bound by any intimate relationship, we were perfect together. 

But as a couple, we weren’t. No matter how compatible, or how perfect we seemed to be if we got together, that wasn’t the case when we actually did. No relationship is perfect, but you can make it work.

It is no secret that my boyfriend and I have problems from time to time. Sometimes, these problems make me think why on earth we were compatible in the first place. I can’t imagine how well we got along years ago, and now, here we were, fighting and arguing like there’s no tomorrow. When you’re so used to one thing, and something new pops in the picture, it’s hard to accept, it’s hard to let go. I couldn’t believe what was happening to us. I couldn’t believe what was happening to us that I came this close to giving up. Up until my good friend, Isa, made me listen to this podcast by Andy Stanley.

I don’t want to spoil what the podcast has to offer you. All I can say is that, IT IS WORTH LISTENING TO. I would like to share this not only to my friends who are in a relationship, but to my single friends as well. It is very helpful, and is truly a blessing. I was this close to giving up the person I loved the most just because I couldn’t see the bigger, clearer picture, and this podcast made me see that. Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t just for couples. It is also a good message for the single people who haven’t found the one yet.

This podcast will definitely change the way you think about love and relationships. It will help you understand how it is to really love, and how to keep this love alive, even after 10 or 20 or 50 years. I told Isa the only way we can save our relationship was if a miracle happens. Listening to this podcast was a miracle. It made me realize that there is more to what was currently happening in our relationship. There was something more we could do than just what we were used to. We could start loving (v.) each other again.  It is truly a blessing. One of the best messages I’ve heard so far.

I encourage you guys, especially those who may be having problems and are on the verge of giving up, to try and listen to this wonderful message. I know you will be blessed after hearing this message. 🙂

It is possible for two people to stay happy, together, forever. But they must work on it. No relationship is perfect, but you can make it work.

Thank you, Isa, for this wonderful message. To download this podcast, search for Heartland Community Church on the iTunes store, and download the podcast entitled, “Staying in Love Pt. 1: Love is a Verb.”

Enjoy and may you be blessed!

Photo courtesy of Google. Click to view source.

What is love? What is the extent of love? How do you know it is love?

Questions about love are never ending. Sometimes we get answers, sometimes we don’t. Yet even if answers are available, questions about this particular human emotion seem to have no end.

I grew up being a hopeless romantic. A child who believed in fairytales. A teen who believed in Prince Charmings, and a young adult who believes that love will conquer all.

Age. Distance. Evil stepmothers. Trials. Separation. Even school, or the workplace.

I’ve heard stories of love surviving such circumstances. But I’ve seen love’s demise in the same circumstances. There will always be the classic Great Wall relationship between the Chinese and non-Chinese, the Golden Wall between the Rich and the Poor, Big Ben between the Old and the Young, and a lot more relationships that face similar trials. I, for one, have experienced such. The trial? School.

I believed, still believe that love can conquer all. Despite losing love to school (yes, going to different universities puts a couple into a very difficult situation), I am still very optimistic about it. Why?

Love conquers all.

I’ve always wondered why my first relationship didn’t make it. I am very faithful to my partner, even if there were other candidates. But a few months after college started, I just felt, different. I guess you figured how that one ended. Fast forward to 2010. Why didn’t we make it?


Recently, I was surprised to find out that one of my friends was already in a confirmed relationship with a co-worker. I was surprised because 1) they were just kidding around, 2) they had just met, and 3) the other was already in a relationship. It took them just a few days to make it real. Or is it even close to real? What about the other person involved? The one who invested a lot into the relationship too? Where does that leave him/her?

Love shouldn’t surprise anyone when it comes knocking on their door. But if anything as common as work, or school, gets in the way, it isn’t love. You don’t, you can’t, just throw away whatever love you have just because another “love” came your way. Love is not just a human emotion. Not just a feeling. Love is a decision. You don’t just love someone because you feel it. You love someone because you choose to.


We didn’t make it because there was no real love in the first place. Call it attachment, puppy love, fatal attraction, whatever you want to call it, but one thing it was not, is love. Love is a choice. You stick by it no matter what. You don’t just let go because you can’t make time. You don’t just let go because of a sudden change in environment, or a conflict in schedule. You don’t just let go because you enjoy flirting with someone else or because someone else is flirting with you. You may be tempted, attracted, but you don’t act on it. You chose to love a person and you stick to that choice. That is what love is.

I didn’t understand people who had two relationships at one time, or people who end long term relationships just because of a short term rendezvous with someone they just met. I didn’t understand people who cheated and apologized, people who say it was just a mistake. I don’t understand people who go for office flings, school-only relationships, and a lot more modified relationships, those which involve more than one partner. I don’t get people who move from one relationship to another, as if they were only checking out a pair of shoes. I didn’t understand then. But now it makes sense. These people aren’tweren’t really in love. I’m not saying my friend doesn’t love his/her new partner, but I can’t say that he/she did love his/her old one. It’s either the new one is just a fling, a sudden attraction, or the old one wasn’t really the one he/she loved.

It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres
Love never fails.

I Corinthians 13: 7-8

Love is a choice, never an option.

Sometimes, I worry that I might lose a very special person in my life — my best friend and boyfriend. This isn’t the first time I felt this way. During the latter part of our college days, we became so close that people actually started thinking something was going on between us, only for us to end up so far away from each other due to personal baggage. Now that we’re both working, I’m starting to feel that fear once again.

I was never one who gets jealous, or does crazy things when in love. I usually do my thing and wait for things to unfold. I don’t worry about my love life once it exists. I don’t worry about being cheated on. I don’t worry about being left behind. But somehow, this inevitable change has triggered something in me. Something that is making me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling, like fear. Let’s go on a side trip.

I am one of the few who believe that Marian Rivera’s lack of social grace and manners towards female co-workers stem from her deep fear of losing her beau, Dingdong Dantes (whom she snatched away from singer Karylle.) Karma’s a bitch, they say. I guess she’s afraid of meeting the same fate this other girl had because of her. I did not snatch or steal anyone from anyone but sometimes, I feel like I never deserved him in the first place. As I said, I wasn’t one to act but rather, I was one who JUST waits. Having him in my life other than being just a best friend seemed like a very huge black stain landed on a white piece of paper — it wasn’t how things were supposed to be. And this brings me to that feeling of fear. The fear of losing my best friend and my boyfriend to someone else at work, because he and I together was just another misplaced event in the order of things on earth.
The workplace is just like a real world classroom. There are teachers who teach you things, teach you everything, down to the last detail, and classmates, whom you interact with and eventually build relationships with. I know one of the reasons his past relationship didn’t work was because they barely had time for each other since they were both studying in different schools. That’s what’s scaring me now: Gus and I growing apart just because we can’t do the things we were used to doing when we had all the time in the world.

A couple of days back, I read this really long but meaningful quote from a woman who was talking about her deceased husband. A line from it goes:

“Every single moment that we were alive and we were together was miraculous-not miraculous in the sense of inexplicable or supernatural. We knew we were beneficiaries of chance. That pure chance could be so generous and so kind. That we could find each other, as Carl wrote so beautifully in Cosmos, you know, in the vastness of space and the immensity of time. That we could be together for twenty years. That is something which sustains me and it’s much more meaningful. The way he treated me and the way I treated him, the way we took care of each other and our family, while he lived. That is so much more important than the idea I will see him someday. I don’t think I’ll ever see Carl again. But I saw him. We saw each other. We found each other in the cosmos, and that was wonderful.” 

Ann Druyan, talking about Carl Sagan after his death

I’ve always been afraid of change. Of losing people I think I don’t deserve. I don’t know if I will ever get over my fear of change but reading this quote made me feel so thankful for what I have NOW. I always worry about the things that have not happened yet (because I believe it’s better to be prepared for the unexpected, or worse, the worst) that I fail to fully appreciate what’s in front of me right now. It is true. Meeting each other in the vastness of this world, this lifetime, is a miracle in itself already. It reminds me of a very famous quote from a TV series back then that goes, “At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes.. all you need is one.” (One Tree Hill, 3×01) 
Finding that one person you need for the rest of your life is a miracle. You can be a lot of things. You can be scared, you can tell lies to get through your day, you can be struggling with good or evil, but in the end, being with that someone right here, right now, is enough. Of all the people in the world, you found the one. You found each other. Enjoy it. Live it to the fullest. No regrets, no hesitation, no fear. Because at the end of it all, you found the one others may not have or are still searching for.


Since we had a blast talking about this and that, reminiscing about our funky past, I think it's proper that I post this first here, on Multiply.

Even when you don't think or feel it, I am very much thankful.
I am grateful.

Even when it seems like I don't, I do love you very much.

I AM the reason of all YOUR WHYs and I want you to know that YOU, too, ARE the reason of all MY WHYs.

Whoever drew this picture definitely knew you.

Thank you for staying by my side, preparing my meds and watching me as I slept when I got sick. Oh, how can I forget the avocado shake you prepared. THANK YOU.

Thank you for staying just a little bit more every night until I fall asleep. You always make sure I don't get nightmares. THANK YOU.

Thank you for keeping me awake, texting and talking to me whenever I have to pick my mom up from work. Even if it's already 1 o'clock in the morning. THANK YOU.

Thank you for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and for The History of Love. In their original cover? Perfection. THANK YOU.

Thank you for not flirting around with other girls anymore. I never thought I'd see the day. THANK YOU.

Thank you for being you. My best friend. My partner. For life.  I love you.

I love you. Much more than I can sometimes express but I really, really, do.

I just want to thank you for everything — for waiting until I fall asleep, for kissing me on the forehead and hugging me before you leave, for driving around for us, for putting up with my brother's crazy antics and mother's "strangeness", for knowing what food I want, bringing me medicine, massaging my back and hands. For not going behind my back.. Many more. For always being there. For not having another "Coleen", especially when we fight.

I love you very, very much. Since we were in freshman year.

I don't want to be in an open marriage. Or relationship. [I'm watching House.]