We don’t really need Thanksgiving to remember all the things we are grateful for. Waking up to a brand new day is enough reason to remember these things. But for those of us who are too busy, we have been given Thanksgiving Day — a day where we remember all the blessings and trials we’ve received and be thankful for them.

Because we don’t really have turkeys in the country, unless you consider the imported frozen ones as Philippine turkey, let’s just call them giant chickens. And since Giant Chicken Day is coming, what are you most thankful for? Here’s my Top 6 Things I am Most Thankful for.

1. Faith.

This year was a very trying and difficult year. Things that happened in the past are still finding their way into the present, haunting and trying to drive me crazy. But throughout all the crap, and bull I’ve had to go through this year, I am most thankful for my faith. I don’t think I would’ve survived this year without God and His never-ending faithfulness. He kept me sane when everything else was driving me insane. He never forsook me, despite all the craziness I did. He was there when no else was anymore.

2. Love.

As I’ve mentioned, this was a very difficult year. And one thing God blessed me with more was love. I am thankful for all the love people close to me have showed. Good or bad, near or far, possible or impossible, they were there. I will always be thankful for my Dad’s faith in our family, even if there’s nothing to hope for anymore; Gus’s unending patience and understanding, even if I sometimes turn into the bitch-from-hell; Isa’s presence, even if we rarely see each other; and my siblings’ support, even if we express it in unusual ways. I’ve never felt so much love in a long time. Of course, I am also thankful for those who always have my back, who will fight ’til the end with and for me. You know who you guys are. 🙂 And I guess for my mom, for trying to be a better parent.

3. Work.

This is the first time I can actually say I love my job! I’ve never felt more fulfilled, happy, and excited. I found the respect, care, and work-conducive environment I’ve been looking for! Our boss is great. My co-workers are great (I didn’t get the, “You’re Atenean, why-are-you-here-question”). My students are great! (I actually learn a couple of things from them too.) It isn’t perfect, but I’m glad I ended up here.

4. Time.

I’ve been with my family for 23 years, and with Gus for two years, but it seems like I never had enough time to spend with them. This year, I’m thankful that I finally got to go on a real vacation with my family after many years, and that I was able to spend a stress-free, relaxing trip with Gus.

Now for the less important (but still important) things that I am very much grateful for.

4. My soon-to-be-named Mac.

I’ve waited so long for this laptop. After Mr. Zhu died three years ago, I never stopped wishing for a new one. I had to wait a couple of years to get the better version, but hey, it was worth the wait. Sometimes, I still can’t believe I have it already.

5. A red watch

I got it for our anniversary, and even if it wasn’t the brand I wanted (ahem, ahem Gus) I still love it! I used to think big watches would make me look stupid, but I thought wrong. Thank you, buffalo fluff!

6. A better fashion sense and make-up skills.

This is something that may sound shallow to others, but I am very much thankful for my new found sense of style (at least I know I dress and look better now). I finally learned how to “beautify” myself, mix and match, and use accessories and bright colors. I guess you could say my self-esteem has gone back to its normal level. 🙂

So, what are you thankful for?