Monthly Archives: September 2011

No, her door isn’t really red, but somehow, while thinking about this special girl, the name Brooke Davis crossed my mind. Brooke Davis, the girl with the red door.

Brooke Davis showed the world what she can do. Despite being heartbroken, going through a lot of high school ups and downs, she emerged victorious. With a clothing company, a handsome husband, and soon-to-be family, she was able to conquer her high school stereotype and prove to the world, and to herself, what she knew she could become one day.
Sounds like my very good friend, Isa.
Isa is one heck of a girl. She’s been through a lot the past few years. I’ve never seen or met anyone who has gone through such heart break and still emerge as strong a woman as she is. She may not know it yet, or she may but just forgets, but this woman will conquer the world. She has a good heart, a listening ear, and faith unlike any other friend I know. She’s a friend you can count on, anytime. A friend who will not only listen, but offer you sound advice, sometimes, harsh ones (hahaha, I still love you, Sas) if it will break you out of your crazy/dreamy state. She’s an excellent writer, one who can write about almost anything and make you interested in what she has to say, not to mention the dozens of insights one can get from her writing. Sometimes, just reading her blog will give you that eureka! moment. Check out her blog here.

Isa is one bubbly, perky, adorable little girl inside a 23-year old woman. She is responsible, mature, and officially an adult but she has not forgotten how it is to have fun and be a kid. She is a really good friend, and.. A girl after God’s own heart. I really admire this girl. She has got everything going for her, some of which she hasn’t noticed yet. I know she will continue to grow in love and one day, just like Brooke, conquer the world and herself.

To my very good friend, Isa. Happy, happy birthday! Know that you are so blessed and loved. Continue living a life full of goodness, love, and happiness. 🙂 Through thick and thin, crazy Chinese boys, one heck of a college experience, and hopefully, happy family lives. I am thankful to have you as a friend.

Thank you for going Chinese with me!

Photo courtesy of Google. Click to view source.

What is love? What is the extent of love? How do you know it is love?

Questions about love are never ending. Sometimes we get answers, sometimes we don’t. Yet even if answers are available, questions about this particular human emotion seem to have no end.

I grew up being a hopeless romantic. A child who believed in fairytales. A teen who believed in Prince Charmings, and a young adult who believes that love will conquer all.

Age. Distance. Evil stepmothers. Trials. Separation. Even school, or the workplace.

I’ve heard stories of love surviving such circumstances. But I’ve seen love’s demise in the same circumstances. There will always be the classic Great Wall relationship between the Chinese and non-Chinese, the Golden Wall between the Rich and the Poor, Big Ben between the Old and the Young, and a lot more relationships that face similar trials. I, for one, have experienced such. The trial? School.

I believed, still believe that love can conquer all. Despite losing love to school (yes, going to different universities puts a couple into a very difficult situation), I am still very optimistic about it. Why?

Love conquers all.

I’ve always wondered why my first relationship didn’t make it. I am very faithful to my partner, even if there were other candidates. But a few months after college started, I just felt, different. I guess you figured how that one ended. Fast forward to 2010. Why didn’t we make it?


Recently, I was surprised to find out that one of my friends was already in a confirmed relationship with a co-worker. I was surprised because 1) they were just kidding around, 2) they had just met, and 3) the other was already in a relationship. It took them just a few days to make it real. Or is it even close to real? What about the other person involved? The one who invested a lot into the relationship too? Where does that leave him/her?

Love shouldn’t surprise anyone when it comes knocking on their door. But if anything as common as work, or school, gets in the way, it isn’t love. You don’t, you can’t, just throw away whatever love you have just because another “love” came your way. Love is not just a human emotion. Not just a feeling. Love is a decision. You don’t just love someone because you feel it. You love someone because you choose to.


We didn’t make it because there was no real love in the first place. Call it attachment, puppy love, fatal attraction, whatever you want to call it, but one thing it was not, is love. Love is a choice. You stick by it no matter what. You don’t just let go because you can’t make time. You don’t just let go because of a sudden change in environment, or a conflict in schedule. You don’t just let go because you enjoy flirting with someone else or because someone else is flirting with you. You may be tempted, attracted, but you don’t act on it. You chose to love a person and you stick to that choice. That is what love is.

I didn’t understand people who had two relationships at one time, or people who end long term relationships just because of a short term rendezvous with someone they just met. I didn’t understand people who cheated and apologized, people who say it was just a mistake. I don’t understand people who go for office flings, school-only relationships, and a lot more modified relationships, those which involve more than one partner. I don’t get people who move from one relationship to another, as if they were only checking out a pair of shoes. I didn’t understand then. But now it makes sense. These people aren’tweren’t really in love. I’m not saying my friend doesn’t love his/her new partner, but I can’t say that he/she did love his/her old one. It’s either the new one is just a fling, a sudden attraction, or the old one wasn’t really the one he/she loved.

It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres
Love never fails.

I Corinthians 13: 7-8

Love is a choice, never an option.