I guess resolutions are a must every new year. Somehow, we find a certain characteristic or flaw we think we need, no, we must change in order to survive. For some, it could be as carefree as practicing more walking than driving or as difficult as going cold turkey on smoking.

This year, I never had serious resolutions in mind. For the first time in years, I didn’t practice any new year’s tradition. No 12 fruits on the table, no haircut before the new year, no resolutions. Nothing. I just waited for the party and my grandmother’s awesome cooking. 😀

Sadly, I believe I should’ve put more thought into coming up with my own resolutions. The beginning of the year was great, better than last year’s definitely, but it also had its own share of really bad times. Bad times, which, given certain adjustments on my part, would have been avoided. So to the new year, I say, “No more expectations!” It’s nice to know someone out there is willing to help you but no one can help you more than yourself.