They say best friends make the best couples. They know each other so well that others believe being together is the next step to happily ever after. They know what makes each other tick and go kaboom, they know each other’s ups and downs, they even finish each other’s sentences. It’s like finding a perfect match. One who can withstand all your craziness and bull and still be there, willingly be there, for you. Sadly, this isn’t true for all cases. 

Not all best friends make the best couples.

Sometimes, the very glue that makes the two of you stick is the same thing that breaks you. The closeness, the knowledge, the routines, EVERYTHING! I know because I had a best friend too. And I used to think that best friends always make the best couples (hahaha. Yes, speaking from experience!)

Best friends don’t always make the best couples. Yeah, you know so much about each other that you begin to expect (and we all know expectations aren’t good in any relationship). You expect each other to do this, say that, think this because you know that you know each other very well, more than any other person would know you. When one of you fails to satisfy the expectation, doubts arise. Doubts sometimes lead to loss of trust and once trust is lost, working out the relationship would be even more difficult. 

Best friends don’t always make the best couples. They probably argue and fight more than your regular boy-meets-girl couple. They probably hurt deeper than your usual couple, because there is so much more than just your average emotional investment in here and they probably lose more than those who engage in month long only relationships. There are probably a dozen more probablys and what nots, pros and cons about this whole issue but the bottom line is: it’s not always a fairytale (even if you’re best friends).

The past weeks haven’t been easy. I guess after my own fairytale began, Ginger Foutley’s quote still holds up: Nothing worth having ever comes easy. Best friends don’t always make the best couples. But they can be if they work on it.