I decided to take a break today. I only had four hours of sleep during the weekend because of LDP (not complaining, it was WORTH every hour I wasn’t asleep. :D) And though I was able to catch enough sleep last night, I still decided to stay home today and catch up on my acads here. Things to do today include finishing Shaugnessy’s article, review Chapter 19 of my Chinese textbook, finish the theo article assigned last week, read Chapter One of the eco book, read Chapter One, Two, and Three of the marketing book, and buy extra pens because two of my three pens are failz. Moving on..

LDP was a blast! I thought I was going to have hard time with my group but the exact opposite happened! Sharm and I were amazed with how our group participated throughout LDP. They were very game and friendly. We thought we would have problems with them like encouraging them to speak up, or encouraging them to bond with each other, but NO. They were very talkative, haha. We did have to encourage them to speak up more during the processing sessions, but it wasn’t really hard. Once asked, they did speak up. One of the most amazing things I’ve seen too was how the group bonded WITHOUT intervention from Sharm and I. We were really surprised at how they interacted with each other. It was as if they already knew each other before LDP. It was an amazing sight to look at. πŸ™‚ And speaking of LDP, I am also happy to announce that I was acknowledged as Mrs. M. Uyham during the weekend. *happy sigh*

I also got to bond more with my friends during the weekend. Thanks Anne, for making my weekend a blast! *wink wink* Nooooooox! I hope your bukol heals na. :p Lence! *raises both eyebrows* for officially dubbing me Mrs. M. Uyham. Sharm, my co-faci! For supporting me as Mrs. U. Gin, Honey, for fighting for my rightful surname! πŸ˜€ My roommates, Jacky and Shanty! For the love and support (you will be part of my bridal entourage, hahaha). Wow, this looks like an awards speech. Chau, Chuck, for your funniness, and of course, support as well. Gelo and PKaw, for the winning picture of the weekend! And for the other Celadoneans I failed to mention but have supported me in my labor of looooove! Haha. It was truly a fun and memorable weekend! Thank you guys for making it even more fun. πŸ™‚

And to acknowledge the best group in LDP, *applause* Group Three! Je, Cathy, Pelpel, Mark, JC, Che, Aly, Shanty, and Sid! Congratulations, guys! We hope to see more of you in the upcoming projects of Celadon and in the room, maybe? πŸ˜€ Keep it up and good luck!

I forgot to include this on my TTD list for today: get my 1×1/2×2 picture printed.. NOW!Β 

If you could see what I see.
-Angels Brought Me Here, Guy Sebastian