Time check: 5:31 in the afternoon.

Tasks accomplished from this morning’s TTD: Two. Buy pens and have my picture printed. Boink.

I just woke up from my afternoon nap, thanks to o-Mama for calling and wanting to speak with either one of her daughters and my sister, for being asleep too. Thus, elderly duties forced me to rise up and answer the call. I make it sound so sinister, haha. Anyway, I’m still on a high and as I’ve mentioned earlier, I feel very much inspired to write. It’s all because of LDP. I’m planning to submit something for Chinoy, related to this whole thing, and if it’s good enough, just watch out for it. Note: Knowing me, don’t expect something about the LDP. More of, something because of LDP.

But, since what I had originally planned was to make it my 2 out of 3 blog entry for today, I will include a short excerpt of the whole thing in here. An excerpt from the idea that’s been swimming in my head since yesterday.

Run, Chinese person, run! That’s probably what most Celadoneans, who always hang out in MVP 208, will tell you if 1) you’re Chinese or Chinese-looking; 2) you decide to hang out in the room for a while, and 3) if I’m in the room at that time.

I am probably known as the
Chinese boy hunter in Celadon, for I am always in search of prospect lovers, who have to be Chinese, whenever I am in the room or in a project GA or in any Celadon-related activity. If you’ve met me, more or less, you have been inducted or rather, forced, into my future boyfriend waiting list. You would’ve been forced to sit beside me or have your picture taken with me by my most supportive friends (VP Honeh, ahiya Francis — in special cases, blockmate Christa, or any of the other VPs and AVPs of the org), or I would’ve sat beside you after introducing myself as your future girlfriend. All of you are probably thinking, “Wow, this girl’s literally crazy over Chinese guys.” While that might be partly true (I would like to clear things out and say that the truth in that statement lies in my like for the Chinese, not the my-being-crazy part), it’s just a form of defense mechanism I’ve grown into.

There you go. The introduction of what I am writing for Celadon. I wasn’t asked to write this, the idea just came to me right after LDP, and I thought others ought to know how great Celadon has been to its members. 🙂

Time to read Shaughnessy, Mankiw, Kotler et al. Wish me luck!

A life you don’t live is still lost..
Just be who you are
It’s all that we need in our life.
-Before It’s Too Late, Goo Goo Dolls